Sky Engines Srl Mechanical Workshop
The sky engines Srl Mechanical workshop s.r.l. operates since 2002 in the precision mechanics sector with competence and professionalism. We make small mechanical parts, medium and large sizes made from bars, from castings and moldings in various materials. We are able to design and manufacture molds
The founding owner has been working in the precision mechanics sector for over 30 years, has allowed sky engines to become a qualified partner in the construction and construction of components both in the Mechanical Industry sector and in small and medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to the accumulated experience, sky engines proves to be able to keep up with research and technological innovation.
The perfect fusion of departments, both in the production area (made up of 13 employees) both in the administrative and commercial area allows us to respond to any market need and to work with high production quality standards.

Mechanical design
The founding owner has been working in the precision mechanics sector for over 30 years, has allowed sky engines to become a qualified partner in the construction and construction of components both in the Mechanical Industry sector and in small and medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to the accumulated experience, sky engines proves to be able to keep up with research and technological innovation.
The perfect fusion of departments, both in the production area (made up of 13 employees) both in the administrative and commercial area allows us to respond to any market need and to work with high production quality standards.

SKYengines, well-known Company in the panorama of flight, deals with the design and construction of two-stroke engines for paramotors.
The production focuses mainly on its own articles, but there are cases of
C.da San Rustico Snc
63065 Ripatransone (AP) – ITALY
Phone: +39 0735 907064
Fax: +39 0735 907064
P.Iva 01758360448